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Family Business - Growth of Shinglee Book Group
Ever since I was young, I wanted to be an artist, but for the sake of my family's livelihood, I had to step into the business world. The ardent pursuit of art and childhood ideals can only be transformed into a desire for success in career.
My great mother gave birth to 11 children, and I was the eldest son of my parents. After completing the high school "A" level examination in 1968, for the livelihood of my family, I did not continue my studies. Instead, I went home in 1969 to help with our family bookstore business, and alsotake care of my younger siblings and their education. After a period of time, I gradually changed from having no interest to totally immersed in doing business. I am no longer satisfied just as a retailer of a small bookstore that waits for customers to come by themselves, but I don’t have a book wholesale marketing business, which makes me worried about future prospects of a small retail business like a family business. Therefore I decided to pursue another idea, another breakthrough, and expand my father’s business to wholesale of books and textbooks, as the market potential in this area is huge.
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家族企业 -
1935年 – 胜利书摊 父亲白文保于1916年出生在中国福建安溪县龙门镇的榜头村庄,年仅五岁父母双亡,1930年他十四岁独自飘洋过海到新加坡谋生,1935年父亲创办了早期的胜利书店,开设小书摊谋生。过后在我和两位弟妹的协助下又开设了三间书店和增设了十多家学校小卖部。 |
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Pursuing the first goal in the business world
As a young man, it was always difficult to get my father's approval and support for such immature and unproven ideas; but I insisted on sticking to the ideals of business development that I wanted to pursue. My father had to repeatedly admonish me to be careful and reluctantly let me give it a go. Understandably, he had started with nothing, and it was not easy to start a small bookshop, so at least it would still support the family. So in 1970, with my father's "it's not easy to start a business" motto in mind, I drove one of his minivans day and night to various primary and secondary schools and bookstores all over Singapore, and finally had some success. Eventually, I successfully expanded my father's retail business into a wholesale business and became one of the top five largest wholesalers of Chinese books and Chinese-English textbooks in Singapore in the 1970s.
With this foundation in the wholesale business and with the market information on the demand for textbooks in Singapore, I was able to pursue another new ambition - to move from the wholesale business into the publishing business.
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有了这个批发业务的基础,又掌握了全新加坡教科书需求量的市场资料,使我再追求另一个新的理想 - 从批发业务转入出版业务。
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Pursuing second goal in the business world
In 1973, with this new vision of corporate development, I went to universities and middle schools to recommend myself, and invited university professors, middle school teachers with experience in textbook writing, and well-known overseas scholars to form textbook writing committees for different subjects. My new ideal goal. Fortunately, the Chinese textbook I planned was officially approved for school adoption after the strict review by the Ministry of Education of Singapore in 1975; coupled with my marketing techniques, the textbook I published successfully won the Singapore Chinese. The 70% market for textbooks has become the most compelling rising star in Singapore’s publishing industry. I began to be invited to lead and promote the development of Singapore’s book industry, so that my family business successfully entered the book publishing group - Shinglee Book Group.
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1973 年,我带着这种新的企业发展理想,自己到大学和中学去毛遂自荐,并广邀大学教授、有编写教科书经验的中学教师和海外知名的学者共同组成不同科目的教科书编写委员会,以完成我那另一新的理想目标。很幸运地,我所策划的华文教科书,在1975年经过新加坡教育部的严格审查后,正式审准可以学校采用;再加上我的营销手法,使我出版的中文教科书能成功地拿下新加坡华文教科书70%市场,成为新加坡出版界最令人注目的后起之秀,于是我开始受邀进入领导和推动新加坡书籍行业的发展,受委为新加坡书籍出版协会和新加坡国家书籍发展理事会的重要理事,带领自己的家族企业成功步入书籍出版集团 - 胜利书业集团。
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Pursuing third goal in the business world
With the experience of my two previous ventures, and the invaluable book publishing expertise I learnt from Japan when I represented Singapore at the Asian Cultural Centre for UNESCO (ACCU) in 1976, I decided to pursue my third ambition of developing an overseas book market. I began to realise that the Singapore market was indeed too small and decided to pursue my third ambition, which was to develop the overseas book market. With more confidence in my venture, I decided to explore the wider market in the neighbouring country, Malaysia, first. My father was worried about my bold decision, not only because I was unfamiliar with the country, but also because I had no idea about the book market in Malaysia, but he gave me his little car to drive to Malaysia to explore the new market.
I made it through Malaysia on a shoestring, but I didn't make a single sale. When I returned home, I was naturally scolded by my father. But my stubborn nature made me unafraid of failure and I asked my father to give me another chance. My father made a decision for which I am grateful for the rest of my life and the following year he gave me a small sum of money and I was on my way again.
God willing, the Malaysian market finally opened up after all my ups and downs and I managed to take 60% of the Chinese textbook market in Malaysia again.
Later, the glory days of the Chinese book market had faded as Singaporean parents were sending their children to English schools. The only way for my family business to establish itself as a major player in the Chinese book publishing industry in Singapore was to transform the product and transform the internal management of the business.
The greatest challenge in the business world
For me, a Chinese student, it was a very difficult task to make the transition from publishing Chinese textbooks to publishing English textbooks, and it was not easy to achieve the ideal of success. The biggest challenge in pursuing this ideal was to find a way to overcome the weaknesses of the local publishing companies and to exploit their local market strengths to replace those of the multinational publishing consortia!
I was fortunate enough to be able to successfully take a share of the Singapore English textbook market with a multinational publishing consortium again in 1980. I am often proud of the contribution I have made in the family business!
October 1988 was the peak year for me to assist in the development of the family business, and it was also the year I was invited to join the People's Action Party, Singapore's ruling party, for the 1988 general election. I am particularly proud that they have been able to continue to develop their own markets in the United States and Central America, China, India, South Africa and Thailand, in addition to the Malaysian and Pakistani markets that I have explored!
Looking back, our family business is now a well-known English and Chinese publisher in Singapore and overseas, and although I have suffered a lot of aggravation, I still have no regrets about my selfless dedication to the family business.
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有了前面两次的创业经验,再加上我在1976年代表新加坡赴联合国亚洲文教科组织机构(ACCU - Asian Cultural Centre for UNESCO) 从日本学习到许多宝贵的书籍出版专业知识。我又开始深觉新加坡的市场确实太小,于是决定去追求我的第三个理想,即发展海外书籍市场。由于对自己的创业更具信心,我决定先开发邻国更广大的市场 - 马来西亚。父亲对我当时的大胆决定感到担心,不只是我人地生疏,甚至连马国的书籍市场也一知半解,但还是给我开着他的小车,去马来西亚开拓新市场。
对华校生的我来说,要进行产品转型 - 从出版华文教科书转入出版英文教科书,是一件十分困难的工作,也是不容易达到成功的理想,更何况在市场上英文教科书行业的佼佼者,都是国际驰名的跨国出版财团(如朗文出版社Longman、麦米兰出版社 Macmillan),他们在人力、财力和实力方面都远远超过土生土长的当地出版企业,如何出奇制胜,如何以弱制强,又如何发掘自己在当地的市场优势,去取代跨国出版财团的原有市场,是追求这个理想的最大挑战!
很幸运地,我在1980年再次成功地和跨国出版财团在新加坡英文教科书的市场分一杯羹。 我时常对自己在家族企业中所做的贡献,感到骄傲!
1988年10月,是我协助家族企业发展的盛旺时期,同年也是我受邀加入新加坡执政党 - 人民行动党(People's Action Party)参加新加坡1988年大选的重要决定,因此我把家族企业管理担子交给能成功接班的弟妹,心里感到十分欣慰!特别是他们除了我曾经开拓马来西亚和巴基斯坦市场之外,他们也还能继续自己开拓美国和中美洲、中国、印度、南非和泰国等国家的市场,这让我更感自豪!
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投资中国 - 龙置地集团的创办和历程
在1992年2月,我在受中国最高政治领导人邓小平先生的“南巡讲话”之影响,决定抓住中国经济改革开放所带来的新机遇。於是在父母的同意下,我把家族企业的管理担子交给接班的弟妹后,便从家族的书籍行业中抽身而出,在1993年与一群朋友另创一个与家族完全不同的全新企业 - 新加坡龙置地集团,专司投资中国房地产和高尔夫球产业。在短短的十二个月里,在中国不同的城市发展外销公寓、高尔夫球场和工业园等。
由于抓住机遇,这项投资很快便开花结果,并在1998年1月26日年有了质的飞跃 - 龙置地集团经新加坡股票交易所批准在主板股票市场上市,为龙置地集团在中国今后的投资发展拓开很好的基础。
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Investments in China - Birth of Dragon Land and its milestones
In February 1992, I was influenced by the "Southern Tour Speech" of China's top political leader, Mr Deng Xiaoping, and decided to seize the new opportunities presented by China's economic reform and opening up. With my parents' approval, I handed over the management of the family business to my younger siblings and took a break from the family's book business to start a completely new business with a group of friends in 1993 - Singapore Dragon Land Group, specialising in the real estate and golf industry in China. Within a short span of twelve months, it was developing outbound condominiums, golf courses and industrial parks in various cities in China.
Seizing the opportunity, this investment soon bore fruit and took a quantum leap forward on 26 January 1998 when the Group was listed on the Main Board of the Singapore Stock Exchange, setting the stage for the Group's future investments in China.
In the short span of 11 years (1993 to 9 November 2004), under my leadership, the Dragon Land Group has successfully completed several major investment projects in China as follows.
年份 | 地区 | 项目 |
1992年 | 中国福建省安溪县 (占地120华亩) 点击浏览照片 | • 新加坡花园住宅小区 • 新加坡购物中心大厦 • 寮山商业大厦位於福建省安溪县城市中心 |
1993年 | 中国山东省青岛市 (总占地3000华亩) 点击浏览照片 | • 青岛华山国际乡村俱乐部 (建设36洞高尔夫球场) • 胡姬花园 • 九重葛花园 • 康乃馨花园 |
1993年 | 中国江苏省常州市 (总占地2000华亩) 点击浏览照片和视频 | • 常州新加坡城 • 福康宁高级公寓 |
1999年 | 中国辽宁省沈阳市 (占地200多华亩) 点击浏览照片 | • 狮城花园豪华公寓位於沈阳市中心 |
2000年 | 中国上海市 点击浏览照片 | • 狮城怡安物业管理公司 |
2001年 | 中国山东省青岛市 (总占地3808华亩) 点击浏览照片 | • 协助山东省人民政府推动完成大投资 项目 -《蓝宝石工业区》及《创新龙源》 高科技工业园 |
2002年 | 中国江苏省无锡市 (总占地为1600多亩) 点击浏览照片和视频 | • 龙涛国际乡村俱乐部 (建设18洞高尔夫球场) • 扬子江豪宅花园位於市中心 |
2003年 | 中国天津市 (总占地为6500华亩) 点击浏览照片和视频 | • 龙海国际乡村俱乐部 (建设36洞高尔夫球场) • 新加坡卫星城及高级别墅区位於 《天津国家滨海新区》 |
2004年11月9日,我辞去龙置地集团执行主席兼总裁一职,并在一年之后于2005年10月7日,我和我家族才将手中大多数龙置地集团股权利益转售给新加坡淡马锡集团属下的吉宝置地(Keppel Land Limited),2005年11月25日吉宝置地成为龙置地集团的最大股东后,我于2005年12月29日正式注册成立新加坡华德集团。吉宝置地也在2006年11月16日将龙置地集团易名为惠升置业有限公司(Evergro Properties Limited)。
走向世界 – 新加坡华德集团的创办和历程
在我考获新加坡国立大学企业主管硕士学位之后,便准备将所学的最新知识;配合国际化管理和国际化的企业治理系统以及自己在国际上的企业人际关系,再一次地带领新成立的企业 – 新加坡华德集团,去追求另一个更理想的企业高峰。
投资创办的新加坡华德集团是一家房地产综合开发和高科技企业, 其中房地产项目主要在中国投资建设开发大型城镇项目和具有保护自然生态的旅游开发项目,集团将有意逐步将其房地产项目扩展到美国,英国,澳大利亚和东南亚等国家。
年份 | 地区 | 项目 |
2013年 2月28日 | 中国甘肃省张掖市 (总占地 8000 华亩) | • 新加坡生态环保城 |
2018年 4月3日 | 中国山东省潍坊市 (总占地 511 华亩) | • 潍坊智慧健康园 |
2018年 5月29日 | 中国山东省淄博市 (总占地60万华亩, 约400平方公里) | • 果园(富士苹果、大樱桃、 桃子、葡萄、板栗、核桃) |
2018年 5月29日 | 中国山东省淄博市 | • 酒店和度假村 |