About Peh Chin Hua
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白振华 Peh Chin Hua,1947年出生于新加坡。曾是新加坡国会议员(Member of Parliament in Singapore),活跃政界13年(1988年 – 2001年),从事社区和政治活动长达29年,并于1984年荣获新加坡共和国总统颁赐公共服务奖章(Singapore National Day Public Service Medal),也是新加坡国立大学企业管理硕士(EMBA, National University of Singapore)。
他曾是家族企业新加坡 胜利书业 Shing Lee Book Holdings 集团董事经理、也曾是新加坡主板上市公司龙置地集团创办人兼执行主席,同时也曾是美国TFC银行控股公司副董事长和新加坡佳能控股(NTUC Seacare Holding Ltd) 私人有限公司主席。在过去20多年来,他创办和领导的龙置地集团先后在中国沿海七大城市完成八个大型综合性项目,计有中国福建安溪新加坡花园(Fujian Anxi Singapore Garden)、中国江苏常州新加坡城(JIangsu Changzhou Singapore Townsville)、中国江苏无锡龙涛国际乡村俱乐部(Jiangsu Wuxi Longtao International Country Club)、中国山东青岛华山国际乡村俱乐部(Qingdao Huashan International Country Club)和房地产项目、中国山东青岛蓝宝石工业园(Shandong Qingdao Blue Sapphire Industrial Park)、中国天津龙海国际乡村俱乐部(TianJin Longhai International Country Club)和房地产项目、中国辽宁沈阳狮城花园(Liaoning Shenyang Lion City)和中国上海狮城怡安物业(Shanghai EM Services)项目。(点击这里了解更多投资中国项目内容)
白振华先生 Mr Peh Chin Hua 于2005年创办 新加坡华德集团 White Group Singapore 、是该集团现任执行主席兼总裁,也是美国投资基金集团主席。 新加坡华德集团 White Group Singapore 是由白先生 Mr Peh 投资创办的一家房地产与人工智能科技的综合型企业。目前主要是在中国投资大型城镇建设开发和加强保护自然生态的旅游开发等相关项目。它主要致力于开发中国老百姓能买得起的廉价住屋,这些住屋将以更美好、更现代化、更适合宜居的环境去打造一个全新的生态城市,同时引用新加坡政府自一九六五年起推行至今最成功的住屋政策,也是最受新加坡老百姓欢迎的“居者有其屋”(Home Ownership Scheme)的理念,让中国老百姓也能在当地城市享有同样的好处!集团通过在中国境内的项目投资,以“惠利于民”为目的,又以推动当地城市的经济发展为目标,做为集团的主要宗旨!新加坡华德集团于2012年起便开始在中国甘肃省张掖市、中国山东省潍坊市和中国山东省淄博市进行投资大型城镇建设开发项目,目前集团正积极和海南岛政府商讨在海南岛投资的可行性。集团将有意逐步将其房地产项目扩展到美国,英国,澳大利亚和东南亚等国家。 (点击这里了解更多 新加坡华德集团 White Group Singapore 的投资项目)
该集团自2018年起,便开始和美国、中国、英国、瑞典、日本和韩国等联手进入投资人工智能科技项目,其中包括人工智能科技机器人 、医疗义肢及乳癌义乳科技、远程医疗科技、医疗手套、帕金森物理治疗科技产品、人工智能房屋建设科技、人工智能动漫科技、居家学习教育网站和云组织互联网架构等。集团也正继续和海外国际品牌的企业寻求合作,例如电动车,无人驾驶车,无人飞机或无人超市等等。 新加坡华德集团 White Group Singapore 正在新加坡、中国、中国香港、美国、澳大利亚和英国等地,物色有投资发展潜能和盈利的中小型企业,作为该集团的战略合作伙伴。
白先生 Mr Peh 撰写的政治和经济文章达数百篇,主要是对中国政治经济、海峡两岸的问题、新中两国的友好关系和新加坡政治经济方面,提出他个人的看法和建设性意见;身为新加坡人,他到中国商务出差和旅行超过300多次,至今已走遍中国的名山大川和全部省份及自治区,对中国有一份真挚的感情!他关心中国和热爱中国,因此常以其独特的角度,发表他个人对中国的看法。他的文章深受中国高层领导、省领导和市领导的重视。(点击这里阅览 白振华先生 Mr Peh Chin Hua 的政治评论文章)
他曾在新加坡国立大学商学院亚太企业主管硕士课程兼教职与亚太地区和中国大型企业高层领导的硕士班学生分享他的企业经营理念和企业经验。在政治上,他也是中国外交部和新加坡外交部于公务员学院(Civil Service College)《中国市长政治培训班》的导师之一。他时常和中国中共中央党校的许多教授们交流政治心得和政治经验,并获得中共中央党校领导们的十分赞赏!他也被中国沈阳东北大学受聘为客座教授一职。 (点击这里阅览更多有关企业管理的授课资料)
他不只专司政治和企业,也爱好阅读,更喜欢写诗、画画、摄影、烹饪和旅游。白先生 (Mr Peh) 也是新加坡政坛上的少数画家之一。他是现任新加坡作家协会、新加坡书法家协会和新加坡墨澜社的顾问及中国山东青岛花鸟画会的顾问;同时也是新加坡中医师公会和新加坡中医药促进会的顾问及新加坡许多华人宗乡社团和商业团体的顾问。
他已出版不少著作,其中有诗集《情让生命更完美》和《爱让生活更精彩》、诗歌作品《两位老人的故事 • 小红点》、《情缘》、《戈壁中的天堂》、《真情 • 走进九寨沟的梦》的MTV音乐诗文作品、还有烹饪集《厨香溢亲情》和摄影集《世界冰川奇观 – 美丽的瞬间得以永恒》。 白先生 Mr Peh 在策划即将出版的书籍有:企业投资《我的中国情结 - 狮城的脚印在神州》、感悟集《我的人生感悟》、政治评论集《打死不跑 – 我以行动党为荣!》、散文集《儿时记趣》和世界旅游集《环游世界2368天-美丽的瞬间得以永恒, 打开世界之窗》和《国会议员的真实生活》等书。 (点击这里阅览已出版的作品)
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Peh Chin Hua, born in Singapore in 1947, former Member of Parliament in Singapore for 13 years. He had actively contributed to Singapore’s social and political service for 29 years and was awarded National Day Public Service Medal for his commendable efforts in public service. After retiring from politics in 2001, the entrepreneur went back to school and graduated with an Executive Masters in Business Administration from the National University of Singapore (NUS) in 2002.
He was formerly Managing Director of the family company Shinglee Book Holdings , the founder and executive chairman of Dragonland Group, a listed company on the main board of Singapore, and the vice chairman of TFC Bank Holdings in the United States and NTUC Seacare Holding Ltd. In the past 20 years, he founded and led the Dragonland Group to complete eight large-scale comprehensive projects in seven major cities along the coast of China, including Fujian Anxi Singapore Garden in Fujian, China, Jiangsu Changzhou Singapore Townsville in Changzhou, Jiangsu, China, and Jiangsu Wuxi Longtao International Country Club in Wuxi, Jiangsu, China, Qingdao Huashan International Country Club and Real Estate Project in Shandong, China, Shandong Qingdao Blue Sapphire Industrial Park in Shandong, China, TianJin Longhai International Country Club and Real Estate Project in Tianjin, China, Liaoning Shenyang Lion City in Shenyang, Liaoning, China, and Shanghai EM Services in Shanghai, China. (Read more about his business ventures.)
Mr Peh founded the Singapore White Group in 2005 and is the current executive chairman and president of the group, as well as the chairman of the US investment fund group. Singapore White Group is an integrated real estate and artificial intelligence technology enterprise invested and founded by Mr Peh. At present, it mainly invests in the construction and development of large cities and towns and strengthens the protection of natural ecology in tourism development and other related projects. It is mainly dedicated to the development of affordable housing that the Chinese people can afford. These housing will build a brand new ecological city with a better, more modern, and more livable environment. The most successful housing policy has been implemented since 1999, and the concept of "Home Ownership" that is most popular among Singaporeans, so that Chinese people can also enjoy the same benefits in local cities! Through its investment in projects in China, the group aims to "benefit the people" and to promote the economic development of local cities as the main purpose of the group! Singapore White Group has been investing in large-scale urban construction and development projects in Zhangye City, Gansu Province, China, Weifang City, Shandong Province, China, and Zibo City, Shandong Province, China since 2012. feasibility. (Read more about White Group Singapore business ventures.)
Singapore White Group has been investing in artificial intelligence technology projects since 2018, such as AI Humanoid Robot – White Junying SG/US/China, and Medical Prosthetic Technology – White Junying SG/US ), telemedicine technology (Telemedicine Medtech – MaNaDr SG), Parkinson’s physical therapy technology products (Futuristic Mobility Aids – UK & HK), artificial intelligence housing construction technology (AI Infrastructure Robotics – US), artificial intelligence animation technology (AI Animated Characters) – US), and the general agent of overseas international brands in Asia, including Royal Caribbean International (US), Blue Star Manufacturing US, etc. At the same time, the group has also begun to look for small and medium-sized enterprises with investment development potential and profitability in Singapore, China, Hong Kong, the United States, Australia and the United Kingdom as its strategic partners.
He has published numerous articles on politics and economy, mostly related to political economy situation in China, issues on cross-straits relations, China-Singapore relations and political economy situation in Singapore, where he shares constructive insights and opinions. As a Singaporean, he has travelled throughout China, visiting famous mountains and great rivers, igniting his passion for China. From his unique perspective, his articles are often highly regarded and well-received by leaders in China. (Read about his political views and articles here.)
Previously at NUS Business School, Mr Peh was consultant and lecturer for Asia Pacific Business Leadership Program - EMBA course, where he shared his business philosophy and corporate experience with students and senior leaders from Asia Pacific and China. Politically, he is also one of the mentors of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Public Service Academy of Singapore's Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the China Mayor's Political Training Course. He often exchanges political experience and experience with many professors of the CPC Central Party School in China, and is highly appreciated by the leaders of the CPC Central Committee School. He was also hired as a visiting professor at Northeastern University in Shenyang, China. (Read more about his lifelong learning experience here.)
Not only a former politician, a public servant and businessman, he is also a poet, photographer, artist, travel enthusiast, lyricist and a writer. As one of the few political figures in Singapore who’s also an artist, he is a prominent member of the Chinese community in Singapore, being adviser to Singapore Association of Writers, The Chinese Calligraphy Society of Singapore and Molan Art Association. He also holds positions in various clans, including the Peh Clan Association, Singapore Chinese Physicians' Association, and the Association for Promoting Chinese.
He has published several works, which includes compilation of poetry, art collection, photography collection, musical composition and recipe book. His upcoming works will be about his political journey, compilation of his articles and memoirs. (Read more about his literature and art works here.)
He is married with three children and six grandchildren, and lives in Singapore with his family.
人生历程 Life’s Milestones
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1976年 至 1987年
1988年 至 2001年
担任新加坡囯会议员 13年
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Born in Singapore
Obtained the professional certificate of book publishing from the United Nations Asian Cultural, Educational and Scientific Organization
1976 to 1987
Served as the Chairman of the Citizens Advisory Committee of Kim Seng District of Singapore and the Secretary of the Kim Seng District Branch of the People's Action Party
National Day Public Service Medal awarded by President of Republic of Singapore
1988 to 2001
13 Years as Singapore Member of Parliament
Obtained Executive Master in Business Administration from National University of Singapore

政治生涯 Political Life
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From 1988 to 2001, he held the following official positions:
- Singapore Member of Parliament
- Vice-Chairman of the Singapore Government's Parliamentary Education Committee
- Deputy Chairman of the Parliamentary Press and Arts Committee of the Singapore Government
- Chairman of the Jalan Besar Town Council, Singapore
- Vice Chairman of the Chinese and Mandarin Review Committee of the Ministry of Education of Singapore
- Advisor to the grassroots organization committees of the Jalan Besar GRC in Singapore
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- 新加坡国会议员
- 新加坡政府国会教育委员会副主席
- 新加坡政府国会新闻与艺术委员会副主席
- 新加坡惹兰勿刹市镇理事会主席
- 新加坡教育部华文华语检讨委员会副主席
- 新加坡惹兰勿刹集选区各基层组织委员会顾问
Community Involvement
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- Consultant of the Singapore Writers Association
- Consultant of the Singapore Calligraphers Association
- Consultant for two major Chinese medicine groups and many Chinese associations in Singapore
- Advisor to International Art & Culture (Singapore) Federation
- Consultant of Qingdao Flower and Bird Painting Association in Shandong, China
- Former Consultant of Singapore Molan Society
- Former Consultant at Singapore Ren Ci Hospital
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- 现任新加坡作家协会顾问
- 现任新加坡书法家协会顾问
- 现任新加坡两大中医中药团体和许多华人社团的顾问
- 现任新加坡国际文化艺术联合会顾问
- 现任中国山东青岛花鸟画会顾问
- 曾任新加坡墨澜社顾问
- 曾任新加坡仁慈医院的顾问

- 《我的后记-放下》
– 白振华(写于2021年8月9日新加坡国庆日)
人这一生中,最重要的不只要有感情也要有感恩的心态,但也不能为了感情,便放弃自我或丢弃自己的个性。感情能让你内心充满开心 、快乐和喜悦,但感情也能让你看到人心的虚伪、欺骗和醜陋。只有当两个人彼此愿意把感情放在公平的角度去平衡,这样的感情才不会倾斜,也才能更长久。
人生必备的法宝是具有好的心态。每个人从出生走到死亡的结局都是一样的,可是人与人之间又活成不同的样子和不同的人生,就算是同父同母生的兄弟姐妹也会有不同差异的人生! 但只要具有好的心态和内心丰富的人,就能够得到真正的快乐。
人这一辈子,会扮演着各种不同的角色,为了父母做好孩子的角色,为了妻子做好丈夫的角色,为了孩子做好爸爸的角色,为了孙子做好公公的角色,为了员工做好上司的角色,也应该为了自己,做好男人的角色。这种不同角色的更换, 虽然无法阻止生命的衰老,但可以选择优雅的老去!人最可悲的不是年华老去,而是自我的迷失,又不明白自己活着是为了什么?
身为新加坡国会议员,我曾在过去新加坡的三届大选中,尽职完成我做为政治人物的本份,我时常和我的心灵对话,深深地感觉自己对党、对国家和人民也做出应有的贡献,对自己能够荣获国家公共服务奖章也表示感激。而对生长在一个华人优良传统的大家庭里,我没有遗憾也无怨无悔, 做为企业的一把手,不论过去曾面对多少世间的邪恶和冷嘲冷语的心酸打击,都己经风吹云散,如果今后我能够成功创立“白振华慈善基金会”去扶助那些不幸贫苦人家的孩子继续求学,则是我人生中最后要完成的梦!
我这一生中, 曾受过不少的委屈才走到今天这七十四个年头, 当我完成人生最后的梦时, 我就坚决放下,开始过着那淡泊宁静的人生,去享受作为一个公公、一个父亲、一个丈夫以及一个普通人的生活。坚决放下,将是我最完美的生命句号, 让生命回归净土, 让灵魂飘回大地, 让一生的轨迹寻回那永恒又宁静的归宿。